b'Potential Future Threats and OpportunitiesPotential Threats/ChallengesFuture Opportunities 1.Cyber-attacks/cybercrime: There is a high risk of1.Access: Expand virtual access through the use of cyber-attacks / security breaches (especiallytechnology (e.g., remote hearings, remote since the courts technologies are integratedservices, e-filing, etc.).Also, expand access for with justice system partners).people who do not use technology (e.g., extend 2.Technology: Not being able to keep up withcourt hours; satellite offices in collaboration with new/ advancing technologies.partners; mobile court services; etc.).3.Staffing Shortages: Lack of staff to handle2.Expand Services: Improve and expand services in caseloads and deliver services; the inability toresponse to changing demographics and needs of recruit, hire, and retain employees.communities (e.g., self-help, language, navigation, for aging users, for youth and 4.Turnover: High turnover, unfilled positions, andfamilies, behavioral health/treatment programs, loss of institutional knowledgeetc.) 5.Lack of Confidence: The publics lack of trust3.Timely Resolution: reduce the backlog, improve and confidence in the Courts; the public nottime to disposition, assess and triage cases perceiving the courts as fair, unbiased/neutral,4.Technology: Invest in technologies and and non-political/non-partisan. applications that will expand services and 6.Politics and Extremism: the public believing theincrease operational efficiencies (e.g., technology courts are political and not impartial; extremein courtrooms, texting reminders, emerging ideologies influencing decisions.applications) 7.Safety and Security: keeping people safe; it is5.Safety and Security: Continuously invest in and difficult to stay ahead of emerging threats.improve cyber security, and strengthen physical 8.Funding/Resources: Lack of budget/under- and health safety measures resourced; failing to use resources effectively6.Continuity of Court Services: Improve continuity and efficiently.of services across the 3 courts 9.Relationship with External Partners. The Courts7.Efficiency: Reimagine business processes; work with many justice system and communityincrease efficiency and easier to access and partners.The effectiveness of Courts isunderstand inextricably linked with partners.Positive,8.Collaboration: Enhance relationships / collaborative relations are needed to best servepartnerships with stakeholders and justice the public.For example, the Court workssystem and community partners; collaborate on closely with the Clerks office to dispose ofmeeting service needs; improve communication cases in a timely manner.Failure to develop and maintain collaborative relations/working9.Modernize Workplace Practices: Increase flexible together toward common goals jeopardizes thehours/adopt hybrid work arrangements; increase overall performance of the Courts and servicefocus on a culture of belonging, well-being; to the public.recruit/hire a diverse workforce; focus on modern retention methods/practices; expand training opportunities; etc.) 10.Pay/Benefits: Work to provide competitive pay and benefits.Do a better job promoting the benefits of working for the County (e.g., matching retirement contributions, etc.). 11.Leadership Development: Continue to develop and provide growth opportunities for the next general of judicial and court leaders 20232027 Strategic PlanSuperior, Juvenile, and Justice Courts, Pima County 35'