b'Overview:The infrastructure of the Courts must be improved and maintainedmodernizedto fulfil the Courts mission and work toward the vision of the future.This includes advocating and planning for the modernization of facilities, repurposing space, continuing to invest in and improve technology, and always strengthening physical and cyber security. The Courts will continue to work with County partners to strengthen and modernize its infrastructure. Long-Range Goals:Goal 1: The Courts facilities will meet the current and evolving needs of court users, judicial officers, and court employees, and will promote trust in the Courts.Strategies:a.Assess, anticipate, and make facilities improvements in response to current and/or evolving needs.b.Develop a long-term, strategic approach to securing new and improved court facilities, in collaboration with the County and other partners.c.Continually improve safety and security at all court locations/facilities (e.g., equipment, protocols, training). Goal 2: The Courts existing space will be updated and repurposed to enhance productivity, efficiency, and well-being.a.Modernize and clean/update space and furnishings (e.g., clean/new carpet, paint walls, upgrade furnishings - seating/offices/courtrooms, etc.).b.Repurpose space to improve space usage and meet needs.c.Make court facilities / space more welcoming, professional, and aesthetically pleasing (e.g., comfortable seating, pictures, etc.).Goal 3: The Courts will invest in and use up-to-date and leading-edge technologies (e.g., software, hardware/ equipment, apps, etc.)Strategies:a.Continue to enhance existing, and invest in new, technologies that will improve access, services, and efficiency/productivity.20232027 Strategic PlanSuperior, Juvenile, and Justice Courts, Pima County 14'