b'Overview: Gaining and maintaining the publics trust and confidence is of utmost importance.It is essential for the public to better understand the third and independent Judicial Branch of Governmentits role/function in preserving the rule of law and maintaining a civil society.It also is essential for the public to understand the role of and differences between local courts in communities across Pima County and the services they provide.Lastly, to build the publics trust, it is essential for courts to demonstrate neutralityandimpartiality(eliminatepolitics),engageandreachouttocommunities,andenhance accountability and transparency.Long-Range Goals:Goal 1: The Courts will proactively inform and educate the public about the judicial branch of government and courts (general information). Strategies: a.Strengthen/augment the informational / educational materials available about the branch and courts.b.Make presentations to the public/community groups throughout the year.c.Host informational events that educate the public about the branch and courts in Pima County.d.Work to align the publics expectations with what courts/the branch can and cannot do. e.Use multiple media to disseminate information about the branch and courts and to publicize presentations and events. Goal 2: The Courts will engage with communities (i.e., locations and people) across Pima County to increase public understanding and confidence. Strategies: a.Reach out to/connect with diverse communities to increase understanding and confidence in the courts.b.Listen to the needs of and solicit feedback from the public and diverse communities.c.Collaborate with partners, stakeholders, and the public to build trust and confidence in the branch and courts. 20232027 Strategic PlanSuperior, Juvenile, and Justice Courts, Pima County 10'