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b'across Courts.g.Build support and enthusiasm among court leadership, managers, and supervisors for increasing employee engagement and fulfillment.h.Allocate/re-allocate staffing resources based on needs and workload levels.Goal 3: Court employees are competent/skilled and perform at the highest levels.Strategies:a.Modernize / strengthen the performance management system.b.Develop a coaching culture aimed at providing feedback and maintaining high levels of performance. c.Expand court and other training and development opportunities (e.g., professional development, cross training, etc.). d.Provide employees with opportunities to enhance their skills (upskill and reskill) to transition into changing and evolving jobs at the courts. The strategic initiatives being worked on in this strategic focus area are listed in the Courts Annual Operational Plan. 20232027 Strategic PlanSuperior, Juvenile, and Justice Courts, Pima County 13'