b'5.AccesstotheCourts.Therearemanyaccessbarriers(e.g.,transportation,costs,language, inability to physically travel to the courthouse because of childcare or work responsibilities, lack of understanding of how to navigate court forms and processes; etc.). The Courts need to find creative and effective ways to eliminate access barriers for all people. An example is providing services/access points in communities, expanding virtual self-help and navigational assistance, etc. 6.Digital Divide. As the Courts embrace and use more technology including e-filing, virtual court proceedings, and virtual services (e.g., family matters, youth, probation), they will need to be aware of the digital dividei.e., the growing gap between people who have and know how to use computers/mobiledevicesandtheInternet,andthosewhodonothavecomputers/mobile devices, access to the Internet, and/or do not know how to use them. The Courts must not let technology become another barrier to access. 7.PublicTrust.Thepublicislosing trustand confidencein theCourts.IncreasinglyCourtsare perceived as political/partisan and they are not perceived as fair for all people especially people of color, low-income people, and other marginalized groups. Eroding public trust in government generally and criminal justice and courts specifically will adversely affect the Courts and society.8.Emerging Technologies. Technology is changing rapidly.The Courts will need to invest in new and emergingtechnologiestoprovideexcellentserviceandoperateefficientlyandeffectively.Examples include digital records, remote access, virtual proceedings and services, effective case management system, data and artificial intelligence, etc. 9.Recruiting and Retaining Staff. The Courts are having difficulties recruiting and retaining staff.It is increasingly difficult to fill many positions.Low / non-competitive pay and benefits, working for government,andantiquatedworkplacepractices(e.g.,lackofgrowth/advancement opportunities, unclear career path, lack of flexible/hybrid work arrangements, lack of focus on well-being, etc.) are likely contributing factors. 10. InfrastructureFacilities, Space, Technology.Facilities are antiquated and in need of updating.The Courts lack adequate space for court users, justice system partners, judicial officers, and staff.Space needs may need to be reassessed and repurposed in the post pandemic era (e.g., more space may be needed to allow for physical distancing; the footprint might be reduced if more services are provided in the community and if a hybrid work arrangement is adopted; etc.). Additionally, existing facilities are not equipped to support the needed technology infrastructuree.g., wiring, video conferencing, monitors, etc. 20232027 Strategic PlanSuperior, Juvenile, and Justice Courts, Pima County 18'