b'b.Bring all courts up to the same technological standards (e.g., case management systems, video conferencing in courtrooms and conference rooms, texting, e-filing, wi-fi/bandwidth, etc.)c.Increase the proficiency of / expand training for judicial officers and court employees on the use of existing and new technologies (e.g., software, applications, equipment). d.Pursue and build support for the funding needed to stay up with current and emerging technologies.e.Be aware of and avoid further alienating court participants who do not have access to or use technology to conduct court business.Goal 4: The Courts network, case management systems, and data will be integrated, protected, and secure.Strategies:a.Continue to update and implement the highest level of cyber security protocols and standards ensuring the protection of information/data including personal information of court employees.b.Train staff in appropriate and safe uses of court equipment, data, and security protocols for working onsite and remotely.c.Improve data sharing and data integration within and among courts.d.Strengthen plans and emergency protocols in the event of a cyber-attack or data breaches. See the Courts Annual Operational Plan for a list of the strategic initiatives underway in this strategic focus area. 20232027 Strategic PlanSuperior, Juvenile, and Justice Courts, Pima County 15'