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b'Section 4: Strategic Focus Areas, Long-Range Goals, and StrategiesStrategic focus areas (SFAs) are large, encompassing areas the Courts must focus on in the future to fulfill the mission and work toward the vision of the future.SFAs set priorities for the future; they are what the Courts will work on in the coming years.The future scenarios created as part of the trends analysis helped identify the SFAs.The strategic planning survey results, which included external partners, judicial officers, and staff, also helped define the SFAs.A summary of the survey results and strengths, weaknesses, and potential future threats is provided in Appendix B.Below are the 2023 -2027 SFAs.A brief description as well as long-range goals and strategies are included in the following sections.Strategic Focus Areas1 Access, Services, and Programs4 Talent Engagement and Fulfillment2 Case Management/ Timely ResolutionModernization -5 Facilities, Technology, 3 Public UnderstandingSecurityand Confidence20232027 Strategic PlanSuperior, Juvenile, and Justice Courts, Pima County 5'