b'Communication, Connection, CultureJUVENILE COURT(n=114; in mean scores1)COMMUNICATION, CONNECTION, CULTURE (JUVENILE COURT - 4.5grand mean)k. I set work goals beyond those set for me by my supervisor. 5.0l.I seek feedback on my performance from my supervisor/others. 4.5m.I strive to improve (e.g., gain new knowledge, new skills) each 5.3year to keep up with changing expectations.n.I feel informed about what is going on in the Court. 4.2o.I feel connected to my team members despite the disruptions of 4.6the past couple of years.p.Diversity (of race, ethnicity, age, perspectives) is valued at the 4.9Court.q.The court culture is welcoming; I feel like I belong. 4.7r.Employee well-being is a high priority at the Court. 4.01 2 3 3.5 4 5 61 Mean scores are based on a 6-point rating scale: 6=Strongly Agree; 5 = Agree; 4 = Agree Somewhat; 3 = Disagree Somewhat; 2 = Disagree; 1 = Strongly67Disagree; 0 = Dont Know/Not Sure.3.5 is the midpoint of the rating scale. Communication, Connection, CultureJUSTICE COURT(n=62; in mean scores1)COMMUNICATION, CONNECTION, CULTURE (JUSTICE COURT - 4.7grand mean)k. I set work goals beyond those set for me by my supervisor. 5.0l.I seek feedback on my performance from my supervisor/others. 4.4m.I strive to improve (e.g., gain new knowledge, new skills) each 5.3year to keep up with changing expectations.n.I feel informed about what is going on in the Court. 4.1o.I feel connected to my team members despite the disruptions of 4.6the past couple of years.p.Diversity (of race, ethnicity, age, perspectives) is valued at the 5.1Court.q.The court culture is welcoming; I feel like I belong. 4.9r.Employee well-being is a high priority at the Court. 4.71 2 3 3.5 4 5 61 Mean scores are based on a 6-point rating scale: 6=Strongly Agree; 5 = Agree; 4 = Agree Somewhat; 3 = Disagree Somewhat; 2 = Disagree; 1 = Strongly68Disagree; 0 = Dont Know/Not Sure.3.5 is the midpoint of the rating scale.20232027 Strategic PlanSuperior, Juvenile, and Justice Courts, Pima County 30'